
Activity Diagrams

This activity diagram is based on the GoGreen bikes case study. It follows the actions taken when a customer goes into the shop to hire a bike. I think activity diagrams are probably the type of diagram I have most enjoyed creating. I found I liked using the swim lanes a lot as they were as helpful to me in separating out my thoughts.

I think this is the activity diagram I have created that encompasses the various possibilities that can occur in the scenario the best. A lot of the other ones I created ended up assuming everything would go well (although not I realise that I have still assumed things in this diagram - e.g. that the mechanic can actually find the bike, that the customer gives their details correctly).

1 comment:

Helene / Aryakanta said...

I like this too - very clear. Aren't the use of 'swim lanes' helpful in sketching out the activities?