
Noun Analysis

I am posting the noun analysis I did for the car hire case study. I like this noun analysis as I think it is the only one where I managed to end up without any really odd nouns I failed to filter out during the analysis and all the things I ended up with were quite reasonable candidates for being possible classes.

I liked doing noun analysis as it has such an overlap with the process used to create Entity Relationship Models in database design and I felt the things I learned complimented one another, this was very helpful in fixing the process in my mind.

Activity Diagrams

This activity diagram is based on the GoGreen bikes case study. It follows the actions taken when a customer goes into the shop to hire a bike. I think activity diagrams are probably the type of diagram I have most enjoyed creating. I found I liked using the swim lanes a lot as they were as helpful to me in separating out my thoughts.

I think this is the activity diagram I have created that encompasses the various possibilities that can occur in the scenario the best. A lot of the other ones I created ended up assuming everything would go well (although not I realise that I have still assumed things in this diagram - e.g. that the mechanic can actually find the bike, that the customer gives their details correctly).

State Diagram

I have had some problems with creating state diagrams as I found I got them easily muddled with activity diagrams - this is why I am posting a fairly small diagram. The state and activity diagrams made me quite interested in the concept of UML as representing all the different aspects of the system.

This state diagram is based on the Car Park case study and about the states of the car park (I have not include the barriers but did include the states of the Full Sign).

IT Computers Sequence

This is a sequence diagram based on the IT Computers case study. In it the customer is visiting the company website and compiling an order.

I think we looked at this process in class. It was very helpful to learn about the concept of an Order Line from Helene, I has previously only thought of having "order" as one item but a system that works this way is clearly not going to be very dynamic as if there was a problem with one item of the order the whole order would have to be scrapped. With an order line each part of th order can be considered individually to make compiling an order a better process.

Class Diagram

This is a new version of the Green Street Car park class diagram based upon the comments given on the blog (thanks by the way) and the class where we reviewed Class Diagrams.

Note - my apologies for my very poor blogging.

Note - thanks Al, apologies for the errors


Green Street Car Park Class Diagram

It's very interesting to see how this diagram differs from my previous effort at this diagram. I definately have today's seminar to thank. Firstly I now have a class to deal with the questioning of issuing cards, I added the "sense" method to the two barriers, removed the exit card scanner class and created a new class to deal with car park capacity.

I think I have managed to create a less muddled diagram at least which has a better overview of the system. Previously I had too narrow a vision of where the system boundries were.

A Fragment from the Data Dictionary for the green Street Carpark