
Green Street Car Park Class Diagram

It's very interesting to see how this diagram differs from my previous effort at this diagram. I definately have today's seminar to thank. Firstly I now have a class to deal with the questioning of issuing cards, I added the "sense" method to the two barriers, removed the exit card scanner class and created a new class to deal with car park capacity.

I think I have managed to create a less muddled diagram at least which has a better overview of the system. Previously I had too narrow a vision of where the system boundries were.


Al said...

Hi Anna. I like the look of your blog! I thought I would be the first to post a constructive criticism comment :)

I wondered whether your Entrance and Exit barriers were supposed to be subclasses of a parent Barrier class, or whether you deliberately wanted Entrance and Exit barriers as separate classes?

Anonymous said...

Yes - I think also that the two barriers should be sub-classes of a parent barrier class and that the raiseBarrier method of each one may be different in that the exit barrier raising isdependent only on a car arriving at it, but the entrance barrier will only raise for this event AND reading of a valid card